Buddleia Joan

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Only 196 left
Soft colour harmonises in mixed borders, honey scent attracts beneficial pollinators (and smells great), big flowerspikes look showy with little effort.

Why not plant one near fruit trees or your kitchen garden? Cold hardy once established; just give it a good annual chop back to keep it bushy.

"I'd never ordered plants online before & was delighted when I received the very healthy Buddleia plants. So very well packaged & delivered within the stated time frames. Thanks again, your company is providing a marvellous service."
Ann, Warranwood VIC

Buddleja davidii 'Joan'

APPEARANCE : Large open shrub flowering from summer through to autumn with big spear shaped clusters of light purple honey-scented flowers. Attracts bird life, butterflies and bees to your garden - no surprise it's commonly called butterfly bush.
USE FOR :  Cottage and wild/natural gardens, mixed beds and borders, as open privacy hedge.
CLIMATE : Frost hardy, drought tolerant
PLANTING: Plant in ful sun, mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Likes free-draining soil, hates wet feet. Cold tolerant.
CARE: Hard prune or coppice after flowering to maintain compact growth and heavier flowering. Fertilise in spring using a slow release fertiliser, give an extra boost during the summer heat using eco-seaweed. Tolerates moderate frost.
HEIGHT & WIDTH:  4m H x 2m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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