Gardenia augusta Magnifica

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Large sweetly fragrant double white flowers, glossy dense rich green foliage to 1.5-2m. Ideal for hedging, and as a cut flower to enjoy the perfume indoors. One of our most popular Gardenias.


Gardenia augusta 'Magnifica'
APPEARANCE : A glossy, evergreen shrub with rich green foliage and strongly fragrant brilliant white flowers.  Flowers summer through to winter
USE FOR : Perfect for hedges, feature planting, sensory gardens, and large containers.
CLIMATE : Frost free, sheltered. Appreciates humidity.
PLANTING : Prefers dappled shade or part shade or bright indirect light; grows in full sun. Plant in a free draining acid or neutral pH soil rich in organic matter. Water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks.
CARE : Mulch and water well, prune after flowering if required. Feed with a fertiliser for acid-loving plants every 2-3 months. Water regularly with seaweed solution. Spray with Eco-Oil to kill aphids, scale, and other pests.
MATURE HEIGHT & WIDTH :  2 m H x 1.5 m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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