Garlic chives - seed

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Only 9 left
Tasty little member of the onion family where every part can be eaten - leaves, stems and unopened flowerbuds. Very popular in east Asian cooking and a pretty garden plant in flower. It's a bit rambunctious so best grown in a pot or other contained space.
We can't ship this product to Tasmania, Western Australia.

Allium tuberosum - garlic chives - seed

DESCRIPTION: Upright tall grass-like herb in the onion family, with a garlic flavour in the long strappy leaves and stalks. White starry flowers, edible in bud. 
PLANTING: Sow year round in most climates avoiding extreme heat and cold. Sow seeds into seed raising mix in small clumps of 2-4 seeds, later thin to the strongest plant. Vigorous, so grow in pots and deadhead flowerstalks before they set seed if you garden near bushland.
USE IN: Use to flavour Asian dishes and as a substitute for garlic or onion.
CARE: For best results water regularly and apply liquid fertiliser monthly. Perennial in most Australian climates; snow or hard frost will kill growth above ground but plants usually regrow from the roots in spring.










60cm H

 15 cm

6mm  12-18days


Contains 200 seeds.

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