Grevillea Ned Kelly

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Iconic Australian figure, popular native shrub. Deep dusky orange-red flowers most of the year, very ornamental stiff evergreen foliage, and a manageable 1.5m size, help this plant to fit into most gardens. It is frost hardy and requires little water once established.

Grevillea 'Ned Kelly'
APPEARANCE:  A medium-sized bushy shrub with stiff, almost spiny, heavily divided, fern-like foliage and orange-red flowers which are displayed throughout most of the year.
USE FOR : Loved by honey eaters flocking to feed on the flowers at dusk and dawn. Ideal for use as a screening plant - especially security hedges - and flowering feature shrub. Long season of colour
CLIMATE: Suitable for reasonably cold temperatures and sub tropical climates. Tolerates light frost.
PLANTING : Plant in free-draining soil in full sun or part shade; more sunshine means more flowers.
CARE: Water during the first 8-12 weeks until the plant is established. Light pruning after flowering will promote dense growth. Feed with a slow release native fertiliser when buds form - grevilleas can be phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%.

HEIGHT & WIDTH: 1.5-2m H x 2.5-3m W.
YOUR PLANTS: These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80 mm x 42 mm wide.

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