Philotheca Flower Girl - eriostemon

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A taller variety of this pretty native flowering shrub, perfect for planting as an informal hedge in native and cottage gardens. Pink buds open to starry white flowers in winter-spring and intermittently through the year, giving you colour in the cooler months.

garden bush images: Forest & Kim Starr cropped to size.

Philotheca myoporoides 'Flower Girl' – long leaf wax flower, eriostemon
APPEARANCE : Pretty native flowering shrub with long slender dark green leaves which smell citrussy when crushed. Pink buds open to starry white flowers in winter-spring and intermittently through summer and autumn.
USE FOR :  Lovely informal hedge or shrub for cottage gardens.
PLANTING : Plant in free draining soil in a sunny or partly shaded location, dappled sunlight is perfect. Mulch after planting to retain moisture and regulate soil temperatures as the young plant establishes. Tolerates frost and drought once established.
CARE : A light prune once flowering has finished will help give the plant shape. Follow with an application of a native slow release fertiliser.
HEIGHT & WIDTH :  1.5 m H x 1.5m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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