Tibouchina Purple Star

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Brand new variety with all the rich purple splendour and big blooms of parent Jazzie and some of the height and fast growth of its other parent Alstonville. Full-on colour for dense hedges, low maintenance feature shrubs, and container planting in frost-free gardens.

We love Purple Star for the intensely vibrant colour, big full flowers, bronze-tinted leaves

We can't ship this product to Tasmania, Western Australia.

Tibouchina 'Purple Star' PBR

APPEARANCE : Compact medium-sized tibouchina with very deep vibrant purple flowers, mainly in autumn and repeating through the year. New leaves are bronze-tinted. Disease- and pest-free. Hybrid of T. lepidota 'Alstonville' x T. heteromalla 'Jazzie'
USE FOR : Feature planting; massed as an eyecatching hedge; in a large container.
CLIMATE : Frost free
PLANTING : Plant in a full sun to partly shaded position in a free draining soil rich in organic matter.  A potting mix rich with peat moss or humus is ideal.
CARE : Mulch and water well, prune as needed to promote new growth.
HEIGHT & WIDTH : 1-2m H x 1.5m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

In WA or TAS? We can't ship this plant to you for state biosecurity reasons.
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