Cucumber Long Green Supermarket - seed
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Only 16 left
Outdoor salad cucumber with lots of classic long straight flavourful dark green fruits. Grow in gardens, growbags or containers with heaps of sun for best crops. Good companions for lettuce, sweetcorn, sunflowers.
We can't ship this product to Tasmania, Western Australia.
Cucumis 'Long Green Supermarket' - cucumber
DESCRIPTION: Outdoor salad cucumber with good disease resistance. Long straight dark green flavourful fruits spring to autumnPLANTING: Sow direct or in growbag, spacing 90cm apart, or into pots for later transplanting. Lightly cover seed to 5mm.
CARE: Keep moist through germination and while growing. Water and feed regularly through the growing period. Fruits in just 8-10 weeks from sowing.
150-200cm | 60-90cm | 5mm | 7-10 days | 8-10 weeks |
75 seeds
Plants For State | ACT,NSW,NT,QLD,SA,VIC |
In Stock | NOW |
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