Soleirolia - baby's tears

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Re-stock: in 4-6 weeks

Such a tiny plant, so many nicknames! Usually called baby's tears for the size of the leaf, you may also know it as angel's tears, friendship plant, Corsican creeper, bread and cheese, Paddy's wig, or mind your own business!


It loves damp shade, and will even grow in swamps and bogs. It's often planted as an ornamental ground cover - but be warned! If it likes you, it will spread.


Happily it's well-behaved and popular as an indoor houseplant where its delicate charms can be appreciated up close. Try it in a terrarium, fernery, or vivarium.


Mature plant image: Floradania

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We can't ship this product to Tasmania, Western Australia.

Soleirolia soleirolii - baby's tears, mind your own business

APPEARANCE: Spreading fast-growing groundcover plant native to Sardinia and Corsica, with tiny green leaves, that forms a low carpet. Can root from the stems.
USE IN: Indoor plant. Use for lawn alternative where it won't be walked on. Will grow in cracks in walls, rockeries, boggy wet places, deep shade. Loves humidity.
PLANTING: Mulch and water well regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. It might die back in the winter in a cold spot but will regrow in spring. Usually not frost-tolerant but it's so resilient it might survive in a sheltered spot.
CARE: Prefers moist conditions, water often during dry periods. Fertilise in Spring to encourage plenty of new growth. Prefers cooler shadier places to look its best. Trim to shape and reduce size as required.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 10cm x 1.5 m if planted outside.
YOUR PLANTS: These plants are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide. You can see an example in the image gallery

In WA or TAS? We can't ship this plant to you for state biosecurity reasons.
In Stock in 4-6 weeks
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