Pultenaea retusa - notched bush pea

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Re-stock: more than 12 weeks
Looking for a tough shrub that will thrive in salt spray and sandy soil? Native notched bush pea is a rugged little plant, it's hardy, flowers profusely and can handle extended wet seasons too.

Pultenaea retusa - notched bush pea

DESCRIPTION: Upright growing native shrub flowering spring-summer in golden yellow pea-shaped flowers above narrow evergreen foliage. New season growth is bronze.
USES: Suited to seaside gardens, rockeries and low hedging. 
PLANTING: Plant in a full sun to lightly shaded location in soil which is free draining. Boost with liquid fertiliser following extremely hot or dry conditions.
CARE: Continue to water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks.Trim lightly after flowering to encourage compact growth and a fresh flush of flowers. Protect from frost. Feed with a slow release native fertiliser during spring - Pultenaea can be phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: Up to 1m H x 1-1.5m.
YOUR PLANTS: These plants are tube-stock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The average size of your plants will be 15 -25 cm including the pot height of 80mm high and 42 mm wide.

In Stock more than 12 weeks
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