Geum Banana Daiquiri

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One of the popular Cocktail series of Geum, this perky little plant will give your beds and borders a tropical feeling through spring and summer with very little effort on your part. So you can lay back and admire your garden, drink in hand, while the flowers bloom and the butterflies feed.

flower images: Leonora Enking

Geum coccineum 'Banana Daiquiri'
APPEARANCE:  Lemon yellow frilled doubled flowers appear from spring into summer. Leaves are herbaceous in cold climates and will die back until spring; evergreen in warmer frost free locations..
USES: Cottage gardens, beds and borders, underplanting below trees, groundcover, in baskets and containers. In the wild, Geum is found in marshy fields and banks of streams, so try it in a wetter part of the garden too.
PLANTING: Plant in most soils, aspects, locations except waterlogged, and very tropical humid climates of FNQ. The sunnier the position the more water it will need. Antarcticly cold-hardy. Shorter-lived in heavy clay soil, longer-lived in free draining light soils.
CARE: Mulch after planting to retain moisture and regulate soil temperatures as the young plant establishes. An application of a native slow release fertiliser in spring will help keep the plant healthy. A light trim after the first spring flowering will encourage a second flush into summer. Divide your plants every 3-4 years to keep them vigorously growing - dig up the plant with a large rootball, tease or cut apart into large pieces, replant these separately.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 40-50cm H x 30-40 cm W.
YOUR PLANTS: These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80 mm x 42 mm wide.

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