Callistemon Candelabra

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Skinny enough to slip into narrow spaces and tall enough to hide the neighbours, this pale-flowered silver-leaved bottlebrush makes a handy and handsome hedge rich in nectar and pollen for all kinds of wildlife - honeyeaters, rosellas, lorikets, wrens, flycatchers, gliders, and possums. Its only flaw is it doesn't really like humidity - sorry FNQ.

Fflower image: Wendy Cutler cropped to size.

We can't ship this product to South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia.

Callistemon pallidus, Melaleuca pallida 'Candelabra' - bottlebrush

APPEARANCE : Medium-sized bottlebrush, much shorter-growing than the parent C. pallidus, with upright stems of stiff small bronze-silvery leaves, and cream-yellow nectar-rich flowers spring to autumn.
USE FOR: In native and wildlife gardens to attract birds and insects.  Hedging, especially in narrow spaces and boundary lines. Feature planting.
PLANTING : Very hardy, grows in almost all types of soil in sunshine. Frost tolerant but doesn't like humidity.
CARE : Cut back after flowering and feed with a native low-P fertiliser. Pruning will help it become more bushy. Water in extended drought periods as it grows naturally in moist soils and by streams.
HEIGHT & WIDTH : 2.5 - 3 m H x 1 - 2 m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These plants are tube-stock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide. You can see an example in the image gallery

We can't ship this product to South Australia, Tasmania, or Western Australia for biosecurity reasons.

Plants For StateACT,NSW,NT,QLD,VIC
In Stock in 1-2 weeks
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