Cistus salviifolius - sage-leaved rock rose
Cistus salviifolius - sage-leaved rock rose
DESCRIPTION: Open white crepe-paper blooms with a yellow centre; soft hairy leaves. Good pest and disease resistance.
USE IN:Pots, tubs, windowboxes, front of border, mass groundcover.
PLANTING: Plant in a sunny sheltered spot in free draining soil. Will flower in part shade but bloom numbers may be less. Water regularly during the first 12 months to help establish a good root system. Should be frost tolerant in free-draining soil once established.
CARE: Mulch and water well, lightly clip over after flowering, and apply a slow release fertiliser.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 60cm H x up to 2m W.
YOUR PLANTS These are tubestock plants with a healthy young root system and will establish quickly in your garden. The pot height is 80 mm x 42 mm wide.
Plants For State | ACT,NSW,NT,QLD,SA,TAS,VIC,WA |
In Stock | in 4-6 weeks |