Gardenia White Star

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A native alternative to Radicans, and a less-fragrant alternative to Grandiflora Star if you like the looks but not the scent. All the usual gardenia glamour - glossy leaves, white flowers, year-round appeal - and pretty adapatable as to climate, so long as it's frost-free.

Gardenia psidioides 'Glennie River' form PBR

APPEARANCE : Native gardenia with a low-growing, cascading form and white starry flowers, slightly scented. A selection of the popular Glennie River variety. Leaves are distinctively textured, not smooth and shiny like other gardenia leaves.
USE FOR : Banks, slopes, mass planting, groundcover, around shrubs and trees, in pots and windowboxes.
CLIMATE : Will grow in a variety of conditions including tropical and cool-climate gardens.
PLANTING : Plant in free draining well mulched soil in full sun to part shade.
CARE : Light pruning annually to keep it in shape if needed. Feed yearly in spring with a slow release fertiliser. Spray with Eco-Oil to kill any aphids, scale, and other pests.
HEIGHT:  75cm H
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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