Kalanchoe Gremlin - succulent

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This Gremlin should also not get too wet - which makes it ideal for waterwise and drought gardens, as well as those of us who forget to water our indoor plants. Unusual almost-folded leaves like one of those playground paper fortune tellers, each jagged edge rimmed in maroon.

Image of Kalanchoe synsepala growing in the wild, showing the "walking" stems;Voyages Madagascar .

Kalanchoe synsepala 'Gremlin' - walking kalanchoe

DESCRIPTION: Large, bright green succulent with semi-folded pairs of big toothed leaves rimmed in maroon and blushed this colour on the backs. Mature plants may produce deep red flowers on long thin stems.
USE IN: Great for rockeries, pots and indoors in bright light but not too much hot sun. Hardy and drought tolerant once established.
LOCATION: Plant in free-draining gritty soil in bright light. Produces long stems with baby plants at the end, which root away from the parent - hence the common name of walking kalanchoe.
CARE: Water sparingly when the soil is dry to touch, and reduce watering in winter when temperatures drop. Feed in the growing seasons with slow release food for container plants.
HEIGHT & WIDTH:  40 cm H x 30 cm W
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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