Microgreens Flavours of Western Europe - seed

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Only 9 left

Cress, amaranth, and peas give you the taste of Western European cuisine in tiny nutrient-packed portions. Raise them on your kitchen windowsill for easy regular harvesting.

Pick them young and full of flavour; and add to your salads, sandwiches, and snacks. Can also be grown on to maturity if you prefer.

Frankfurt Green Sauce : blend together cress with borage, chervil, parsley, salad burnet, sorrel and chives. Add a little vinegar and oil, and a lot of sour cream  and/or plain yogurt to taste. Serve cold over hard boiled eggs and boiled potatoes.

We can't ship this product to Tasmania, Western Australia.

Microgreens Flavours of Western Europe
DESCRIPTION: Cress, Red Garnet amaranth, Morgan pea - Barbarea verna, Amaranthus tricolour, Pisum sativum. Selected for fast harvesting when young shoots.
SOWING & PLANTING: Sow all year round for continuous harvesting. Full instructions on pack.
GROWING : Keep moist through germination and while growing. Water regularly through the growing period. Harvest in 7-14 days from sowing.

3400 seeds approx

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