Trachelospermum asiaticum - Asiatic star jasmine

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Asiatic jasmine has smaller, darker green leaves, slightly smaller scented white flowers, and is cold-hardier than Trachelospermum jasminoides. That makes this star jasmine perfect for cooler regions as well as tropical ones. Plant as a border, groundcover or allow to ramble over a trellis.

flowering images: t-mizo cropped to size.

Asiatic jasmine - Trachelospermum asiaticum - Asiatic star jasmine
APPEARANCE : Slow growing evergreen climber or groundcover with green oval leaves on long trailing twining stems, and small white fragrant flowers. . 
USE FOR  Plant as a groundcover or train to climb over archways and trellises. Suited to underplanting.
PLANTING: Plant in a full sun to partly shaded position in the garden in well drained soil.
CLIMATE: Will tolerate temperatures down to -5C or more. Trachelospermum asiaticum is more cold-tolerant than T. jasminoides
CARE: Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Prune as required to maintain a tidy appearance.
MATURE HEIGHT & WIDTH: 15 - 30cm H x 2 - 4m W. Can reach 4.5 - 6m H if grown as a climber.
YOUR PLANTS: These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 42 mm wide and 80 mm high. You can see an example in the image gallery

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