Which Plants Are Best
- Which Plants Are Best What To Read This WeekJanuary 17, 2025Gardens are more than just beautiful. They smell sweet or herby, they rustle in the breeze, they're soft or smooth to touch. They even taste good too! Here's how to create a tactile garden to delight your sense of touch
- Popular Posts Which Plants Are Best What To Read This WeekDecember 06, 2024Can't wait, won't wait? Here's our advice on what to plant if you want fast flowers from the moment you unbox your order!
- Which Plants Are Best Indoor PlantsSeptember 27, 2024
There's a reason why gardenia is so loved by gardeners! It enjoys our warm subtropical climates, smells gorgeous, has big glamorous blooms, and makes an elegant evergreen hedge. Find the best gardenia for your garden here.
- Which Plants Are Best Native PlantsSeptember 13, 2024Spring is peak tea tree season - this favourite native is covered with pretty blossoms in shades of white, pink, and magenta. We help you find the perfect ones for your garden here
- Which Plants Are Best Plant The Look - Design Inspo Native PlantsMarch 08, 2024Did you know there's more than the bright bottlebrush flowers for you to enjoy, when you plant callistemon? There's lots of foliage colour too, with these beautiful varieties
- Which Plants Are Best Native PlantsFebruary 23, 2024Native Callistemon - bottlebrushes - are always popular, and relatively easy to grow for a native plant. Find the right one for you for the best chance of success!
- Which Plants Are Best Plant The Look - Design Inspo Native PlantsFebruary 22, 2024Lilly pilly hedges are super popular in Aussie gardens - they're dense, bushy, evergreen, and native! They're also very colourful, as these beautiful varieties show
- Which Plants Are Best Native PlantsJanuary 25, 2024Golden grevilleas bring sunshine to an Aussie spring - no wonder we love these native plants so much!
- Which Plants Are Best Native PlantsJanuary 19, 2024What to order, plant, and grow when you want the look of myrtaceae natives - but can't order myrtaceae, because of your state's biosecurity laws
- Which Plants Are Best Wildlife & Pets Special EventsOctober 28, 2023Find out how bats are friends to gardeners, drinkers, fruit lovers; how bats are mighty mozzie eaters, and even mightier mothers; and why you should find a home for bats in your back yard