ivory curl tree against a blue sky

Behind the Scenes in our nursery

We love to see all the photos and videos of your garden plants that you email to us, and share on social media!

We thought we'd share some of ours with you in return, so you can see what's flowering at our place right now. The weather has continued hot and sunny alternating with warm and wet for most of January here on the Sunshine Coast QLD, so everything is growing fast.

Elsewhere we know gardeners have had it hot, cold, rain, sun, hail, wind - the weather gods are throwing everything they have at us Aussies!

But we - and our gardens - will come up smiling...

It's crepe o'clock here for another month - local crepe myrtle bushes are completely covered in HUGE clusters of flowers, and our dark-leaved Ozbreed varieties are full of colour. The local pollinators are enjoying the display too - stingless bees seem to love these plants. 

The foliage of these new dark-leaved crepe myrtles is pretty spectacular too, once those showy flowers fade.

They make perfect pairings for purple fountain grass, which is showing up and showing out right now, fill of feathery plumes. So soft and fluffy too! Check out our recent post on Sensory Gardens - Touch for more strokable garden plants.

True behind the scenes shots! We coppice our crepe myrtles - cutting them hard back to a couple of feet from the ground. This gives us abundant propagation material to make new plants. It also produces vigorous straight shoots that have bigger flowers and leaves than if they were growing as a tree.

It's paws o'clock for another month too : our kangaroo paws are bursting to bloom. These new varieties are bred to flower all year round, or at least for much longer than before, and man - do they! Even at tubestock size they are packed with furry flowers

We've got all the favourites and improved varieties from the reliable Bush range, and the spectacular and unique brand new varieties from the new Kings Park range - including the blue Masquerade and the all green Aussie Spirit. Perfect for Australia Day!

Buddleias reliably bloom from tubestock size, from late spring through to first frosts. They're fantastic value garden plants. They're pretty heat hardy, and completely frost hardy too.

Gauras are pumping out their butterfly blossom at tubestock size - tall and dwarf, pink and white. Crossandra firecrackers thrive in warmth - and flower from go to whoa.

Golden portulaca Sun Jewels  are smothered in bright yellow flowers and covered in bees - they LOVE these sunloving groundcover succulents. Gazanias and blanket flowers love it when the sun shines too, opening up those big daisy blooms. 

Have a go of our native ivory curl trees! . We spotted this one from the other side of the nursery. You can see how the flowers start opening on the sunnier side of the tree. 

Butterflies go crazy for these long nectar-rich blossoms - especially blue triangles and swallowtails. The local trees are SO spectacularly covered in long flower tassels this year, it's almost impossible to see the leaves. Must be all that rain we had earlier

Salvias are crushing it on the flowering front - we've gt classic red and blue, plus unusual lemon-flavoured terracotta sand sage; creamy-peach mexican sage; and vibrant pink roseleaf sage.

Amongst our tree plantation are several bushes of Duranta Geisha Girl - usually hard to spot, but in full flower like now they stand out brightly against the green foliage.  The pure white form of this shrub has proved really popular too!

Our native pandorea climbers are laden down with heavy flower clusters - they make our packing facility look much prettier (and they grow super-fast.)

The bushes of oleander on the nursery paddocks are blooming in soft apricot - such a handsome resilient shrub. 

You can't go past firecracker rusellias for easy effortless every-month colour. They are such workhorses! Ruby Falls seems to glow in bright sunlight. They're a lucky flower for Lunar New Year too!

There's a Grevillea in flower every day of the year which makes the tiny spinebills and honeyeaters happy! Here, Ned Kelly and Robyn Gordon,  looking gorgeous

Our Amber Blaze hedge is a river of honey-coloured flowers, swarming with bees at brekkie time; Alex Pink pops out vibrant flowers on mounding bushes. It's a colourful start to the new year!

There's always something to see and enjoy in a garden, every day of the year.
We hope this has inspired you to take a fresh look at your outdoor space - and maybe add a new plant or two!