Grevillea Fireworks

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A bright little low-growing winter-flowering grevillea, very similar to the popular Bonnie Prince Charlie variety, with smaller leaves and flowers, and an upright denser habit.

Lolly-red and yellow cats-claw flowers rich in nectar shine brightly over a long period during the cooler months of the year. Small enough to grow in a pot on a balcony!

Grevillea 'Pink Pixie' x alpina 'Fireworks' PBR

APPEARANCE :Small shrub with the bright red and yellow flowers of alpina and the soft slender foliage of Pink Pixie. Flowers for a long period from autumn to spring. Habit is upright, with flowers at the tips of the stems.
ORIGIN :G alpina is found in VIC and is the parent of many similar grevilleas including Bonnie Prince Charlie, Charlie's Angel and Firecracker
USE FOR: Containers, wildlife garden, native garden, underplanting, coastal garden. Long flowering season
CLIMATE: Happy in most locations from cold to sub-tropical and coastal. Frost tolerant to -6C
PLANTING: Plant in well-drained neutral pH soil, in sun or part shade. Performs best in sunny positions. Mulch well and water regularly until the plant is established.
CARE: Feed with a slow release native fertiliser when buds form - grevilleas can be phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%. Lightly prune after flowering to promote new growth. Naturally compact but regular tip pruning will create a denser plant.
MATURE HEIGHT & WIDTH: around 1m H x 1m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
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