Grevillea Rosy's Baby

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Lovely neat little grevillea with strawberries-and-cream flowers perfect for small nectar-feeding birds to get their beaks into, which appear from winter through into early summer, giving you plenty of wildlife watching opportunities as well as soft colour for your garden. Happy in almost any climate except very hot or humid.
Grevillea rosmarinifolia 'Rosy's Baby' PBR

APPEARANCE :Bushy upright compact native grevillea; slender rosemary-like foliage, rounded cats-claw pink and cream flowers throughout winter into early summer.
USE FOR : Low informal hedging, containers, wildlife garden.
PLANTING : Plant in well drained neutral pH soil, in sun or part shade. Mulch well and water regularly until the plant is established. Happy in most locations from cold to sub-tropical and coastal.
CARE : Feed with a slow release native fertiliser when buds form - grevilleas can be phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%. Lightly prune after flowering to promote new growth.
HEIGHT & WIDTH : 1 m H x 80 cm W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80 mm x 42 mm wide. You can see an example in the image gallery
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