Grevillea Coral Baby

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A beautiful baby and well-behaved too - adaptable, frost tolerant, doesn't need pruning, stays small and neat. Plus that exquisite blush-peach colour! Flowers right through winter to blow those blues away.

Grevillea lavandulacea x chrysophaea 'Coral Baby'

APPEARANCE :Dense very compact native shrub grevillea with lots of pale pink winter flowers.
USE FOR: Feature planting, native gardens, containers. Prefers a warm, sunny position in the garden and is relatively hardy once established.
PLANTING: Plant in well drained soil, mulch well and water regularly until the plant is established.
CARE:Feed with a slow release native fertiliser when buds form - grevilleas can be phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%.Can be pruned after flowering to promote new compact growth but isn't necessary.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 50 cm H x 80 cm W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
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