Laurus Miles Choice - bay tree

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A smaller compact form of bay tree, still to 7m but easier to site in an urban garden. Edible leaves for cooking with, abundant flowers for looking at, glossy leaves all year round. It's skinnier than the species form which is perfect for hedging, especially in narrow spaces - or impressive topiary like the disc by Brian Snelson.

disc topiary : Brian Snelson cropped to size.

Laurus nobilis 'Miles Choice' - bay tree

APPEARANCE: Hardy evergreen Mediterranean tree with dark green glossy aromatic leaves well-known for cooking uses, and clusters of cream-yellow flowers loved by bees. More compact, slender, and smaller growing than the regular species form of bay tree.
USE IN: Feature planting, hedging, kitchen garden, suitable for large pots.
LOCATION: A full sun to partly shaded position in the garden. Frost-tolerant hardy tree suited to most conditions and even coastal locations. 
Plant in a free draining soil rich in organic matter.
CARE: Mulch and water well during the first 12 weeks until the plant is established, tip-prune in warmer months to promote new growth and keep plants bushy. Repot every couple of years if container-grown.
HEIGHT & WIDTH:  5-7m H x 2-3m W full-grown, but easily pruned to smaller size
YOUR PLANTS: These are tubestock plants, young healthy plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80 mm x 42 mm wide.

In Stock in 8-12 weeks
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