Nepenthes Louisa - carnivorous pitcher plant

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All-green jumbo-sized pitcher plant with surprise red freckles hidden inside the giant tubes. Easy-to-grow variety good for beginners, generous with its pitchers. 

Nepenthes hirsuta × Rebecca Sober 'Louisa' - pitcher plant
APPEARANCE : Carnivorous epiphytic plant (grows on trees), growing in an arching rosette of green glossy leaves, which develop into tubes at the end filled with bug-dissolving enzymes. Louisa has big, slightly fuzzy, pale green pitchers up to 20cm long with red spotted markings on the inside. Leaves open paler green and darken as they grow.
USE FOR : Interesting and unusual indoor plant, or outdoors in tropical zones.
CLIMATE : Loves it humid and warm, definitely above 10C at night.
PLANTING:  An orchid mix is ideal, with chunks of bark, sphagnum moss or coir to let air to the roots and drain away water fast.
CARE: Mist them regularly to keep them happy, water often but don't let them get soggy. Once a year a mature plant might need a pick-me-up, feed with diluted orchid feed.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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