We know there's one or two gardeners out there that prefer to spend a lot of money on larger pot-size plants. They want an instant garden and don't want to wait at all.
Wise gardeners know that buying tubestock is the smart choice. It just takes a little bit of patience. In just a couple of months, our low-cost tubestock will have caught up to those pricey plants. Take a look at some of our customer photos!
Ashlee G sent us news of her Grevillea and Photinia, ordered in August 2018 and photographed in April 2019, with a further update in December 2020 :

"These went in seven months ago and I've put the tiny little pots they arrived in at the base of the plant to show the growth!"The pots are hard to spot in the first two images, so we've circled them so you can see just how big our plants can grow in just over half a year. Dianne sent us these images of her Photinia boundary hedge, ordered in April 2018 and photographed in January 2019:

We know there's one or two gardeners out there that prefer to spend a lot of money on larger pot-size plants. They want an instant garden and don't want to wait at all.
Wise gardeners know that buying tubestock is the smart choice. It just takes a little bit of patience. In just a couple of months, our low-cost tubestock will have caught up to those pricey plants. Take a look at some of our customer photos!
Ashlee G sent us news of her Grevillea and Photinia, ordered in August 2018 and photographed in April 2019, with a further update in December 2020 :

"These went in seven months ago and I've put the tiny little pots they arrived in at the base of the plant to show the growth!"The pots are hard to spot in the first two images, so we've circled them so you can see just how big our plants can grow in just over half a year. Dianne sent us these images of her Photinia boundary hedge, ordered in April 2018 and photographed in January 2019:

"There's about 9 months difference in the before and after pictures.
The height shown with my left hand is where we cut them back to, around 4-6 weeks prior to this photo. Despite a cold winter (we got a light frost this year) and some 38 degree summer days, these Red Robin have never looked back.
We've done very little to help them. The original dose of seaweed solution and one other. Water initially and then only after long hot spells without rain.
We couldn't be happier with our hedge and it gets lots of comment from people who can't believe how quickly it's grown."

"I am pretty excited about some plants I have received previously. I'll attach some pictures of the ones thriving that I'm super stoked about."

Vanessa's herbaceous border of Black Knight buddleia and blue fescue is only nine months old and already looks mature, ordered in April 2019 and flowering in December 2019.

Victoria's lilly pilly has tripled in size in just two months from March to May 2019
Jeryn's lush mixed flowering border of native grevillea and westringia with cuphea (and added windmills!) is so established it looks like it has been there for ever, but it's less than three years old. Planted in June 2017 and photographed here in December 2019.
"In just 5 weeks my Aussie Southern lillypilly has flourished!"


Jennifer's mixed border was photographed shortly after she planted it, and already the Dipladenia tubestock is flowering and everything is growing strongly.

Roland sent us a photo of his huge Tibouchina Kathleen trees in full autumn bloom, looking magnificent. We were surprised to discover, looking back at our records, he had only ordered them a little over six years earlier. So if you're looking for fast colour, and have a frost-free climate, this would be a ripper tree to choose!
Sue had a major challenge in her outback homestead garden, to which our tubestock rose.
"A few years ago we took on an old all-but-abandoned homestead in Western QLD with a drought-ravaged 99% dead garden.
A bit of lawn turf and your beautiful, healthy Mock Orange tubestock has done wonders -
they have grown so well and you should be very proud of your excellent products!"

"Would just like to let you know how pleased I am with your service and quality of plants that I have received to date.We'd agree with Gary - it clearly loves the conditions in his garden!
I am attaching a picture of the buddleia that I received from you just a few short weeks ago. I think you would say that it is happy."

Just like with Jeryn's garden above, given a little TLC our native tubestock can flourish and fill out your garden in very little time. Discover which native plants the team at Australian Plants Online love best, in this post Our Favourite Natives

"Just wanted to send you a photo of my driveway of geisha girls I bought from you a couple of years ago.We're looking forward to an update photo in a year or two, of Sharon's driveway completely covered by an arch of flowering purple Geisha Girl!
At the moment their beautiful flowers are weighing heavily. I will trim them back pretty brutally when the flowers are done.
I am a bit of a novice but I am dreaming they will be like small trees one day!"

Wade's carnivorous pitcher plant, delivered March 2020, now has giant pitchers dangling from it in February 2021.
" Last March I made my first order with APO mostly for the white bat plant and a couple of Nepenthes.Nepenthes tubestock plants often have tiny pitchers at the ends of their leaves, about the size of a little finger - so it's wonderful to see how big those insect traps can grow in good hands like Wade's.
As this image of the Nepenthes Miranda shows they are all progressing beautifully.
The larger pitcher in this image is almost 16cm!"

We love the effect Sandra has created by planting them in nest parallel stepped layers. The contrast border of white dwarf agapanthus trimming the lawn and adding a third layer is a beautiful touch.If you would like a similar effect in your garden, our popular post How Many Plants You Need For Your Hedge will help you work out how many plants you need to order.
We were rapt with this ripper shot of Di's poolside plumbago hedge just six months on. We knew they are fast-growing - but what a spectacular sight in such a short time! Definitely a plant to consider if you want some instant colour while you are waiting for other plants to establish.
Jo sent us a before and after of her tiger grass - one photo straight after unboxing, and one of the plants growing in her garden.
Darryl was very impressed that there would be heaps of juicy passionfruit to pick for Christmas lunch pavlova, after planting the vines less than 12 months earlier. The healthy fruit-laden vine covers a 4 metre fence a year later (and in between there are beautiful purple and white flowers to enjoy).

I bought this Tiger grass from you in early 2020 and look at it now!Thank you for sharing that, Jo - they look great!
"In just over two years it has grown into a stunning screen and provided a tropical feel to my garden.
I thought I’d share my joy with you."

Passionfruit is very fast-growing and clings by tendrils - so before you plant, set up wires or mesh for the plant to attach itself to. 

We suggest passionfruit like Darryl, pandorea like Donna, pyrostegia (orange trumpet vine), and clematis montana in white or pink.
Train the tendrils along a series of wires, or install panels of mesh against a fence as Donna has done, for the new shoots to cling to.If you gently train the new shoots horizontally this encourages more flowers too.

Helen's Photinia Thin Red™ hedge is thriving a year after planting - as you can see from her before and after shots. It's even more impressive when you consider the additional heat from the fence and the pool tiles, which will impact the plant. Thin Red is a good variety to choose for a space like this, as it is tall for effective neighbour-screening, yet also very slender.
Tori created her own photo-collage to share with us on Instagram, to show the growth of her Aussie Southern lilly pilly hedge, planted in June 2020 and Jan 2021, and photographed (with human for scale!) in April 2022.
The established hedges on our nursery are regularly hard pruned for propagation material and soon grow back!
We took photographs in our own nursery of a new area pre-planting.
The first image - May 2017 - is immediately after the shade structure had been installed; and the second - May 2018 - after one year, with Magnolia Little Gem tubestock around the edge. You can see how much growth a magnolia puts on in less than 12 months. Already over knee-high.

"I cannot believe how big our hedge has grown.Give a good start in life, with regular water and feeding, most native lilly pilly hedges will grow fast.
From tiny tubestock plants to a strong hedge.
Such quality and resilient plants from @australianplants, cannot praise them enough"
The established hedges on our nursery are regularly hard pruned for propagation material and soon grow back!

The first image - May 2017 - is immediately after the shade structure had been installed; and the second - May 2018 - after one year, with Magnolia Little Gem tubestock around the edge. You can see how much growth a magnolia puts on in less than 12 months. Already over knee-high.
Once your new tubestock plants get in the ground - with some water and good soil and seaweed solution to help them settle in their new home - you can see they soon grow quickly. Read how to plant your new tubestock to give your tubestock plants the best start in life.