Aloe Mighty Sunset

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Small, but mighty! This tough little battler will stand up to frost, drought, full sun and poor dry soils - with very little attention required. 

Big enough to put on a great display, small enough to fit in most gardens (or pots). Bright cream-coral-orange flowers in winter brighten the garden when it really needs it.

Aloe 'Mighty Sunset' PBR AL03

APPEARANCE : Easy care succulent with spiny-looking long green leaves. Plants grow to neat upright rosettes. Mature plants produce tall flowerspikes in winter, shaded cream to deep orange.
USE FOR : Ornamental plant in well lit indoor areas; outdoor dry gardens, xeriscaping, waterwise gardens; attracting honeyeaters and other birds. Perfect for pots
CLIMATE : Frost and drought tolerant. Protect plants from hard prolonged frost.
PLANTING: Plant in free draining soil in pots or out in the garden. Likes plenty of sun.
CARE: Aloe plants require little water. Weekly watering during the warmer months will keep plants looking lush. Fertilise during spring with an organic liquid feed mixed at half rate. If potted plants become crowded as pups develop, remove young plants and share with neighbours or re-pot.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 60cm H to 1.2m in flower x 50cm W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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