Darwinia citriodora - lemon-scented darwinia

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This little-known native shrub makes a lovely foliage backdrop for more showy plants, and a great bordering plant for garden beds as when the leaves are crushed you'll get a fresh zesty scent.

In the winter the foliage colours up in shades of purple, heralding the arrival of orange-yellow flowers which go on for weeks. They flower best with a bit of shade and regular watering, but they are resilient and will grow in full sun or drier spots.

flower closeup image: brettanomyces; shrub image: Jean and Fred cropped to size. cropped to size.

We love Darwinia for its lemon-scented leaves, unusual flowers, healthy growth

We can't ship this product to South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia.

Darwinia citriodora - lemon darwinia, lemon-scented myrtle

APPEARANCE :  Compact native shrub from the south west tip of WA. Small, silvery-green, lemon-scented foliage which colours to purple in colder months; and small orange-yellow wildlife-attracting flowers from winter to early summer.
USE FOR : Hedging and edging, native gardens, wildlife gardens, groundcover, rockeries, pots and containers.
LOCATION : Full sun to dappled shade in any well-drained soil, especially sandy and granite-based soils. Grows in deeper shade but plant will be leggier and require more pruning to keep dense. Protect from frost. Water regularly. Phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%.
CARE : Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Feed with a slow release native fertiliser during spring. Minimal tip pruning after flowering in late summer - early autumn to promote bushier growth habit. Usually pest- and disease-resistant.
HEIGHT & WIDTH:  1-1.5m H x 1-1.5m W
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants with young healthy roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80 mm x 42 mm wide.

We can't ship this product to South Australia, Tasmania, or Western Australia for biosecurity reasons.

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