Hebe Inspiration

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Very popular neat little evergreen for feature planting or low-maintenance hedging, covered in purple flowers (and appreciative bees) spring and summer. Lovely in pots, very happy at the coast.

Hebe diosmifolia x speciosa 'Inspiration'
APPEARANCE : Neat compact evergreen New Zealand shrub with firm waxy leaves, longer than usual in hebes, and tapering flower clusters at the end of the stems from late spring to early autumn. Flowers are a good strong shade of blue-purple, gently fading to white as they age.
USE FOR :Potted or garden feature shrub, a low stepover hedge.
PLANTING :Moist but well drained soil in sun or shade. Tolerates light frost, doesn't tolerate high heat.
CARE: Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Prune tips while young to encourage dense growth and fertilise in early spring and every other month through summer. Snip off dead flowerheads and lightly prune after flowering.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 75cm H x 75cm W.
YOUR PLANTS : These plants are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.

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