Grevillea Lana Maree

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Free-flowering native shrub with cascading habit, ideal for wildlife gardens, hedges and informal plantings. Blooms all year round in vibrant magenta pink; a lovely contrast to its bronzey-gold new leaf colour.

Grevillea 'Lana Maree'

APPEARANCE:  Free flowering native shrub, wide and spreading, slightly cascading in habit. Vibrant pink flowers, dark foliage with silvery undersides.
USE FOR: In native gardens and coastal landscapes, to attract nectar feeding birds, informal hedging in cottage gardens, screening plant.
CLIMATE: Tolerates light frost once established. May withstand waterlogging.
PLANTING : Plant in well drained soil in full sun to part shade.
CARE:  Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Prune after flowering to promote dense growth habit and prolific blooms during the next flowering season. Feed with a slow release native fertiliser when buds form - grevilleas can be phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 1.5m H x 2.5m W.
YOUR PLANTS: These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80 mm x 42 mm wide.

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