Stunning large tree in full flower. Unmistakeable lavender-purple blossoms in abundance during spring - take a trip to Grafton to see their jacaranda streets in full flower.
Plant in sheltered frost free sites where it can grow to full 15m size and shape, as they don't like being pruned.
Students know the tree well - if you haven't started revising for exams when it starts flowering...
Jacaranda mimosifolia
APPEARANCE : Elegant tree with a broad canopy and lavender-blue bell shaped flowers. This tree bursts into life during spring, often flowering on bare branches.
USE FOR : Suited to cottage gardens and feature planting in medium and large gardens, will provide a dappled shaded area.
CLIMATE : Frost free; humid climates will result in greater flowering than in dry air. Drought tolerant; will stand temperatures as low as -5C once mature trees, but flowering may be impacted.
PLANTING : Plant in full sun to maximize vibrancy of the new growth and flowering. Plant in a free draining soil rich in organic matter.
CARE : Mulch and water well during dry periods. Pruning is not recommended as upright shoots form where branches have been removed changing the naturally rounded form of the tree.
HEIGHT & WIDTH : 15m H x 10m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?
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