Tabebuia argentea - silver trumpet tree

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Tall and flamboyant, this golden-flowered tree bursts into bloom in its native South America after the rains come - which here in Oz usually means early spring.

You can see one in the Townsville campus of James Cook Uni - and the image gallery shows trees flowering in Brisbane, New Caledonia, Florida, and Hawaii. They love it warm and humid!

Silver trumpet usually flowers on bare wood - a dramatic show, and perfect for underplanting with heat-tender plants. By summer, the trumpet tree's leaves will be covering the branches, providing dappled shade.

In Brazil, this tree used to provide food and a home for the almost-extinct blue Spinx macaw - sadly the bird is now extinct in the wild, and the trees have been heavily logged. 

Flowering tree images : Tatters (and pods); gerard; TreeWorld; Forest & Kim Starr  cropped to size.

Tabebuia argentea, Tabebuia aurea - silver trumpet tree
APPEARANCE : Wide-spreading deciduous tree with silvery-grey foliage and showy golden flowers on bare branches after rains - usually in spring-summer. The long leaves grow in groups like spokes on a wheel; they drop in the dry season, and regrow after the flowers. Large banana-like seedpods full of papery seed
USE FOR : Feature tree, spring colour, bonsai, large container plant
CLIMATE : Frost free
PLANTING : Plant in full sun or partly shaded location. Flowers most profusely in full sun, and after dry winters. Thrives in rich free draining soil, but will tolerate salt and dry spells. They can self-seed so if you are in a rural area near bushland, check with your local shire or council approved planting lists. 
CARE: Mulch when planting and provide regular water until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Stake young plants as they take a while to root well, and the wood can break in strong winds.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 8m H x 5-10m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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