Australian Wildflower Kangaroo Paw - seed

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Tall-growing iconic Australian paw with furry flowers in shades of red, orange, green, pink, yellow. This variety will make a strong impact in your native spring garden. Growing paws from seed is a little tricky, but what would life be without the occasional challenge?

We can't ship this product to Tasmania, Western Australia.

Anigozanthos flavidus - kangaroo paw mixed colours

DESCRIPTION: Clumping grass-like plant with strappy foliage, flowers in spring and summer with furry flowers shaped in bud like a kangaroo paw. Colour palette is burnt oranges, reds, greens some pink and yellow.
PLANTING: Sow seeds spring, summer and autumn in most locations avoiding extreme heat and cold. Natives can require a little more care than the average flowering perennial, but are well worth the effort. Fill small pots or seed trays with a moist quality seed raising mix and place seeds thinly on the soil surface, cover with a thin layer of soil and firm down gently. A sprinkle of Mr Fothergill's seed starter granules will help move things along. Place seed pot in a larger container and fill this container with water to one-quarter up the side of the seed pot. Top up as needed. Cover trays with a layer of clear plastic to help retain moisture, remove plastic once seedlings begin to emerge and place in a warm shady spot. Transfer seedlings at approximately 7cm high. For best flowering, plant in a full sun location. Prefers free draining acid soil. Trim and divide clumps late autumn or early winter.
CARE: Water seedlings regularly until established and infrequently as the plants mature. Tolerates light frost once established. Mulch plants to retain moisture in the soil and fertilise using a native slow release fertiliser.












2m H x 1 - 2m W 
do not cover 4-6 weeks  spring and summer


Contains 200 seeds.

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