Australian Wildflower Heath Banksia - seed

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Only 35 left
Beautiful native banksia with fine slender foliage and big golden-orange flowers which nectar-eating birds love. The season of enjoyment is long as banksia buds (candles) and seedpods are also very attractive and remain on the plant for a long time. .
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Banksia ericifolia - heath banksia

DESCRIPTION: Familiar native shrub with fine slender heathery foliage and large golden candles that persist on the plant to attract native birds.
PLANTING: Sow seeds Spring-Autumn, after last frost. Natives can require a little more care than the average flowering perennial, but are well worth the effort. Sow on the surface of sandy soil, press in gently, water and keep moist. A sprinkle of Mr Fothergill's seed starter granules will help move things along. Cover trays with a layer of clear plastic to help retain moisture, remove plastic once seedlings begin to emerge and place in a warm shady spot. Transfer seedlings at approximately 5cm high. Prefers free draining acid soil, and sunshine. 
CARE: Water seedlings regularly until established and as the plants mature. Tolerates drought once established. Mulch plants to retain moisture in the soil. Feed with a slow release native fertiliser during spring - Banksia are phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%.












1-2mm 21-42 days  Autumn & Spring


Contains 10 seeds.

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