Lomandra Frosty Top

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The fine-leaved silvery-blue one. With Frosty Top you can have beauty and utility, as this Lomandra has a lovely silvery-blue sheen to the leaves and chunkier golden yellow flowers than the species form.

Lomandras are a sensible choice for almost every Aussie garden as they are such little battlers, adapting to almost any circumstance and climate.
In the image gallery you can see blue-green Frosty Top in front of the golden-green Dalliance.


Having trouble deciding which Lomandra to choose? Our post Which Lomandra is Best For You? wIll help you.

Lomandra confertifolia ssp. rubiginosa 'Frosty Top' PBR
APPEARANCE : Thigh-high native lomandra with very fine grassy blue-green foliage and yellow flowerspikes tucked away in the arching foliage.
USE FOR : Tolerates most soil types and is ideal for erosion protection on banks. Low maintenance.
CLIMATE : Hardy, tolerant of drought and frost.
PLANTING : Tolerates most soil types but must be well-draining in full sun to part shade. Also suited to container growing.
CARE: As with other lomandras, chop it back every few years to regenerate it, and give it a feed with native fertiliser low in phosphorus.
HEIGHT & WIDTH : 0.7 m H x 0.5 m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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