Vines and climbers cling on in four main ways - through aerial roots; by winding stems around a support; by coiled tendrils; and by hooks. You'll soon discover which one your vine uses...
A few garden plants object to less than perfect pH and will respond positively when given ideal soil to grow in. A simple soil test will tell you what kind of soil you have, so you can choose plants that like those conditions, or change the conditions to suit the kind of plants you like.
With over 800 plants in stock at some weeks of the year, the choice on our website can be overwhelming. It's hard to know where to start! Here's how to find the perfect plants for your garden.
Deadheading is a term you’ll often find in gardening books and online articles. And happily it’s not as gruesome as it sounds! In fact, it’s very helpful for your plants. Here's what to do
It can be confusing to choose the right plants for your garden, especially with the huge choice we have! Follow our helpful choosing checklist, and you'll give your new plants the best chance of growing well and happy.
Groundcovers are fantastic plants for Australian gardens. They are low maintenance workhorses that carry out multiple jobs in the garden. If you're thinking of mass planting groundcovers, do it the easy way with our tubestock plants - cheaper, and much less effort! Here's how
Spring is here and our gardens are waking up after their winter snooze. Some are almost presentable the moment they awake, whereas others need a bit more work to get them looking schmick. If you spend only ten minutes a day in your garden, you can make a real difference with little effort.
If you live in the hinterlands, ranges, or down in the southern states, you'll know it can get pretty chilly in winter. Here's how to make sure your plants get through the cold in their best condition.
Wise gardeners know that buying tubestock is the smart choice. It just takes a little patience. In just a couple of months, our low-cost tubestock will have caught up to pricier plants. Take a look at our customer photos!