27 June is International Pineapple Day!
Did You Know?
Our pineapples are the variety 73-50 Pure Gold. This variety grows all year round in QLD and has sweet golden fruit, very low in acid and very high in vitamin C compared to other pineapples. 
Australian Plants Online HQ is only a couple of kilometres away from the famous Big Pineapple tourist attraction - so this is a great day for us to celebrate! If you're ticking off Aussie's Big Things on your Big Lap; or you're on your way to pick up a Click & Collect order from us at our nursery, it's worth the short detour off the Bruce Highway. 
In celebration of this Fruity Festival we bring you pineapple food, pineapple history, and pineapple fun facts to enjoy!
What's your favourite way to eat this juicy tropical fruit? Fresh in wedges or slices, easy as? Or chuck some on the BBQ to grill? Pineapple makes a great meat tenderiser for stews too! There's celebratory pineapple upside-down cake, the CWA favourite and nanna's best. What about a delicious chilled pina colada, virgin or full strength? And - if we want to start an argument - there's #pineappleonpizza - are you yes or no? 
Did You Know?
Pineapples are a kind of bromeliad, related to the popular houseplants and tropical shade plants. Unlike many other tropical fruits, pineapples do not grow on trees. Instead, the plant forms a fountain-like tuft of leaves. From the centre of this, a long sturdy stem emerges, and the pineapple fruit grows on the top of that. 
Did You Know?
Wild pineapples originate from Brazil and Peru, where they are pollinated by hummingbirds. Pineapples were first brought to Europe in the 1600s, and into Hawaii in the 1700s, with commercial growing beginning around a century after. You can see pineapple fields in Elvis' 1961 film, Blue Hawaii.Now the biggest international producers of pineapples are the Philippines, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Indonesia.
A Queensland school pineapple plant, 1916; pineapples growing commercially in Sunnybank QLD 1930; a very stylish fruitpicker in Woombye QLD 1930; another glamorous fruitpicker in Beerburrum QLD 1957 
Did You Know?
The Sunshine Coast of QLD, where our nursery is situated, has long been an important pineapple growing region. At one time even the fields of central Brisbane were under cultivation.The secretary of the Woombye Fruit Growers' Association (Mr. E. M'Nall) stated to-day that with the approaching close of the summer production of pineapples, there was reason to be gratified with the results, which showed that pineapple growing was an Important industry for the Woombye district.The Brisbane Courier, 8 April 1930 
The summer crop output was estimated at 35,000 cases for the factories, yet up to the present the total had reached 38,000 cases, and from what was now coming forward the total would reach almost 40,000 cases.