Callistemon Little Silver

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Like Little John it's a small compact native shrub with masses of little red bottlebrush flowers; but the foliage is bolder and has a subtle silvery sheen to it; plus it's usually faster growing. Try it as a mixed hedge planted with Little John, Little Caroline, and Green John for year round colour.

We can't ship this product to South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia.

Callistemon viminalis 'Little Silver' PBR
DESCRIPTION:  Dwarf evergreen native shrub, small smooth leaves with a slight silver tone (what a tongue-twister!); bright red small bottlebrush flowers in spring that are attractive to birds. Bigger, broader lighter leaves than Little John, and a slightly taller shrub; and reputedly hardier and faster-growing.
USE IN: Ideal for creating a low hedge, for rockeries and large tubs and as a specimen plant.
LOCATION: Very hardy and forgiving in all types of soil. Prefers full sun but will tolerate dappled shade. Will tolerate waterlogged sites and is drought tolerant once established.
CARE: Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Prune tips while young to encourage dense growth and fertilise with a slow release native fertiliser in spring.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 90 cm H x 75 cm W.
YOUR PLANTS: These plants are tube-stock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide

We can't ship this product to South Australia, Tasmania, or Western Australia for biosecurity reasons.

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