Chrysanthemum Youpi Pink

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Re-stock: in 4-6 weeks
Musk pink mounds of colour right through the warm months into late autumn in milder regions. These easygoing florist mums pump out the flowers for as long as you keep feeding and watering them. Popular potted plants and indoor colour too.

flower images: Ball

Chrysanthemum x morifolium Youpi Pink - florist chrysanthemum

APPEARANCE:  Seasonal warm-month potted colour. Compacted mounded daisy with aromatic ferny green leaves and musk pink double flowers with darker centres starting in late spring-early summer and peaking in autumn.
USE IN: Mixed beds and borders, hot sunny places, pots and patios.
LOCATION: Full sun, very free-draining sandy or light soil. Frost free.
CARE: Feed monthly and water weekly or more through the growing season. Deadhead the old flowers for a bushier plant and repeat flowering. In cold climates bring indoors to overwinter.
HEIGHT & WIDTH: 40-60cm H x 40-50cm W
YOUR PLANTS: These are tubestock plants with young healthy roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80 mm x 42 mm wide.

In Stock in 4-6 weeks
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