Sweet Pea Cupani - seed

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Highly scented heirloom variety with plum and mauve bicolour flowers. Train over archways and garden entrances to enjoy the sweet scent as you pass through.

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Lathyrus odoratus 'Cupani' - sweet pea

DESCRIPTION : Climbing annual with sweetly scented mauve-plum flowers. Heirloom variety. Perfect for training over archways, trellises and fences.
SOWING : Sow late summer-autumn; and also spring in cooler areas. Use a garden fork to loosen the soil and dig through well composted mulch. Water the soil the day prior to planting. Sow seeds directly into their final position, cover and don't water again until seedlings emerge. Germinates in 10-14 days
PLANTING : Plant in a full sun location for best flowering. Water seedlings regularly until established and continue to provide water especially during dry spells.
CARE : Mulch plants to retain moisture in the soil. Pick or deadhead flowers regularly to keep more flowers coming; flowers in 12-14 weeks from germination. For an extra long flowering season, feed with liquid fertiliser
CONTENTS : 20 seeds

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