Citrus - Troyer citrange
Poncirus-orange cross with better resilience to cold than sweet oranges, and fruiting while still quite a young tree. The fruit has a thin rind and lots of juice (and pips!), and is sour like a lemon - one for duck a l'orange and fruity pies rather than eating raw.
"When I visited the tree of this in Field 8A with Swingle, he was much pleased with its vigor and numerous plump seeds and told me to put down the name Troyer for it as the first fruits came to him from a Mr. Troyer at Fairhope, Alabama. It thus becomes the Troyer citrange and I will describe it under that name in my Variety manuscript." HJ Webber 1934
Citrus sinensis 'Washington' x Poncirus trifoliata - Troyer citrange
APPEARANCE : Tall vigorous upright thorny tree with deep green leaves in threes, small scented white blossoms, smooth-skinned sour fruits in abundance. These plants are seed-grown. A hybrid of poncirus and navel orangesUSE FOR : Feature planting, orchards and kitchen gardens, privacy hedging. Edible fruit for preserves and cooking. Excellent rootstock for grafting other citrus.
CLIMATE : Needs a temperature over 5C and a temperature change between summer and winter for best fruiting. Heat tolerant and fairly cold tolerant once established.
PLANTING : Plant in full sun and free-draining soil; they do not like getting their roots wet. They don't like alkaline, salt, or heavy clay soils so grow in pots if you have either.
CARE: Prune to desired height if necessary; any seasonal pests can be treated with eco-oil or similar. Feed in spring and summer with citrus-specific fertiliser.
MATURE HEIGHT & WIDTH : 9 m x 3 m.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock? Citrus biosecurity rules have changed and we can only ship these within QLD at present. Read more
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