Chamaemelum Calm-o-mile - chamomile

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All the best medieval noblewomen had a private walled garden to relax in; and in pride of place in this retreat was a grassy chamomile seat. 

When she sat, the plants released their calming herb-apple scent, and offered their dainty daisy flowers for a nosegay or circlet for her hair.

We can't all be noblewomen, but we can enjoy a calming chamomile patch in our garden - whether as a cushiony seat, a lush border underplanting, or a single fragrant plant in our herb patch.

Calm-o-mile is an Ozbreed variety of chamomile bred for a flatter profile, greater heat and humidity tolerance, and denser weed-suppressing mat-forming habit. If you walk gently on it like a medieval lady, it makes a great lawn alternative too.

Chamaemelum nobile ‘Calm-o-mile™’ MAC01- chamomile, Roman camomile

APPEARANCE : Low-growing herbaceous perennial with soft feathery aromatic apple-green foliage and small white daisy flowers with a golden eye. Plants spread widthways and will root along the stems. Calm-o-mile is an Ozbreed variety that grows lower and flatter, spreads wider, with a greater climate resilience than the species form.
USE FOR : Mass planting, container gardens, around pavers and along paths; lawn looks in low traffic areas; herbal remedies and tisanes
CLIMATE : Frost hardy; Calm-o-mile™ is more heat and humidity tolerant than the species
PLANTING : Plant in sun or dappled shade in light soil with access to moisture.
If you are creating a chamomile lawn, include pavers or stepping stones as the plants cannot withstand too much heavy foot traffic. Too much shade, or extended periods of wet soil, will cause dieback patches to occur in chamomile lawns; although Calm-o-mile has greater resilience to wet soils than the species form. The plants will grow back together, or you can replant in the bare patches.
CARE : Water well until established, and in dry spells.
MATURE HEIGHT & WIDTH :   15cm H x 50cm-1m W.
YOUR PLANTS : These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.
You can see an example in the image gallery.
What is tubestock?

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