Lavender Asa Blue

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Compact, dense, vigorous: new Asa Blue combines cold tolerance from its English parent and powerful scent from its Portuguese parent into a bushy, free-flowering, late-blooming shrub ideal for cottage style gardens.
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Lavandula x intermedia 'Asa Blue' PBR

APPEARANCE : Highly scented flowering shrub with grey-green foliage and fat blue-violet flowers during summer into early autumn. Intermedia lavenders are a cross between cold-tolerant English lavender (angustifolia) and strongly-scented Portuguese lavender (latifolia), sometimes called 'lavandins'.
USE IN: Cottage gardens and hedging; rockeries and pots; cool dry climates. Cut flowers may be dried and used in flower arrangements or potpourri. Very high in aromatic oils.
LOCATION: Plant in full sun and free-draining sandy soil, lavenders hate wet feet. Prefers alkaline soil pH. Will tolerate lower light levels but flowering will be affected. Likes an airy, not-too-humid, spot to prevent grey moulds.
CARE: Mulch and water regularly for the first 12 weeks until the plant establishes. Prune twice yearly (taking care to remove only 1/3 of the foliage while avoiding cutting into old wood) and fertilise yearly using a slow release fertiliser after flowering maintain compact growth. Avoid feeding with organic manures as this produces soft weak plants.
HEIGHT:  50 - 90cm H x 50 - 90cm W.
YOUR PLANTS: These plants are tube-stock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide.

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