Acanthus mollis - oyster plant

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Evergreen architectural foliage plant, low growing, cold tolerant, tall flowers in summer. Suited to pots, borders and mass planting. Grows well in most parts of Australia.

We love acanthus for its beautifully shaped leaves, tall flowerstems, tolerance of heat and cold

Acanthus mollis - oyster plant, bear's britches

APPEARANCE : Compact plant with large ruffled evergreen foliage. Tall purple and white flower spikes display through summer. Acanthus leaves can be seen on many ancient buildings at the tops of the columns.
USE FOR : Understory planting, mixed borders, large containers.
PLANTING : A full sun to partly shaded position, grows well in pots. Will flower more in full sun. Suited to most climates if given enough rain or water
CARE: Mulch and water regularly during the first 12 weeks until the plant is established. Fertilise with a slow release fertiliser yearly to ensure lush growth. Remove spent flowers.
YOUR PLANTS: These are tubestock plants, healthy young plants with new roots that will establish quickly in your garden. The pot size is 80mm high and 42 mm wide
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